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Atlas Whisk(e)y Distilleerderijen Verenigde staten, Canada en Mexico

€ 34,95 (inclusief btw)

De Whisk(e)y Atlas van Noord Amerika met bijna alle Bourbon / Rye / Whisk(e)y-Distilleerderijen van de Verenigde staten, Canada en Mexico.

Geweldig informatief naslagwerk met, per staat, duidelijke landkaarten met daarnaast lijsten met alle namen, adressen, start datums en websites etc. Kortom alle nuttige informatie die je niet mag missen 


100 pagina's 

30 x 21,5 cm


For sure the ”Whisk(e)y Atlas North America 2021“ is certainly the ideal tool and companion for friends and
those interested in American Whisk(e)y to orientate themselves in at present time.

The new map collection ”Whisk(e)y Atlas North America 2021“ is the logical consequence to respect the
rapid development of American whisk(e)y during past years. Especially as it is not longer possible any more
to meaningfully display the number of US whisky distilleries on one map sheet only.

While in 2013 we saw a manageable 300 distilleries in the USA, their number raised to over 800 distilleries
in 2016. And at the beginning of 2021 we got aware of over 1763 US whiskey distilleries.
The development in Canada is similar. The number even more than redoubled from roundly 60 in 2016 to
146 at the beginning of 2021.

And who can believe that there are 8 active whisky distilleries in Mexico already?
In 30 regional maps the Altas lists more than 1916 North American whisk(e)y distilleries including postal &
web addresses.

Information on the ”Whisk(e)y Atlas North America 2021“
- 100 pages, Hardcover, thread-stitched
- Language: English
- 30 regional maps + 5 general maps
- over 2000 distillery notes:
- 1763 whiskey distilleries in the USA
- 230 closed distilleries in the USA
- 146 whisky distilleries in Canada
- 21 closed distilleries in Canada
- 8 whisky distilleries in Mexico
- 2 closed whisky distilleries in Mexico



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